Developmental Disability Services
Medicaid waiver services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Programs include: Day Habilitation, Supported Living, In-Home Supports,
Supported Employment, Assisted Living Home.
Individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities may qualify for a state
Medicaid waiver which allows the recipient some services at no cost to the family.
For Medicaid Waiver recipients FOCUS offers:
- Day habilitation in the community (1:1 or in a group) all ages
- In-home supports or supported living all ages
- Support for elementary children after school in a variety of settings
- Intermittent respite for parents
- Adult Group home living
I have concerns that my child may not be developing at the rate of other children his age. Who do I ask?
Call FOCUS and we will direct you to the right department depending on the age and needs of your child.